a little and a lot

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Lately, my blogging is done by my iPhone app. 

Lately, I've taken up a part-time job working as a Jr K teacher's aid at a nearby preschool. 

Lately, I've had a mysterious medical enigma involving pain in my teeth and jaw with an unknown source, which led to 7 dr visits in 6 weeks. 

Lately, my 4-year-old has been growing up faster than the speed of light, coloring in the lines, cutting shapes with scissors, learning how to jump in the deep end of a pool and swim to the shallow end all by herself. {happy/proud momma tears}

Lately, my life feels like it's just getting started. (That's sometimes exciting and sometimes discouraging.)

Lately, the Lord has been faithful to me in tangible ways...just like He was in the last season and He will be in the next. 


Adopting Rhet: Click on the timeline above to read more