I have a feeling 2011 is going to be looking up for us. Proof: My family played their annual rousing game of New Year's Eve Trivial Pursuit during the final hour(s) of 2010. Nick & I were a floundering team, lagging behind with only one chip. I kid you not--as soon as the clock struck midnight, we earned the remaining chips and answered the "center" question correctly within one or two rounds to clench the victory. Said victory has only been stolen from my dad on very rare occasions.
This leads me to one conclusion, and one conclusion only: 2011 is the Year of the Faris. Watch out everyone, things are looking up!
("I lift up my eyes to you, to you who sit enthroned in heaven." Ps 123:1)
Amen and Amen! I love the picture, and as always I love your positive and hilarious outlook on life (that pic of your dog is AWESOME). I love you girl- here's to 2011!!
So did you assume the position? Does it work? These are things you need to test and report back to your readers. ;) Chance does the same thing and it cracks me up.
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