a little and a lot

Friday, January 07, 2011

I'm Walkin' on Sunshine

Little Mosey is a sun fiend. During the winter months, he will seek out the smallest patch of sunlight and try to stick his face into it.

I feel like that some days. Trying to find the smallest patch of God's Light in which to rest.

These words from Psalm 130 brought me that little patch of Light today, and they warmed my heart as I rested in them:

"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and in his word I put my hope.
My soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning...

...put your hope in the Lord,
for with the Lord is unfailing love
and with him is full redemption."

Remembering that God can FULLY REDEEM any circumstance, heartache, or broken thing on this earth and in my life is like stepping into a sunny day so bright that it makes my eyes cry.

Redemption doesn't mean it wasn't broken, it didn't hurt, it wasn't difficult...Redemption means that broken, painful, difficult thing became complete and whole and beautiful. I am in love with a God who can do that!


Kristy said...

REALLY needed this just now. Love you. Thanks.

Mandi said...

This is THE verse, Jesse. You know, those verses you like to claim as "yours"... I have been clinging to this verse recently and shared it with many others, too!

It is so nice to be reminded of God's unfailing love and endless power.

Hope you continue to rest in His light today :)

Jane said...

I love that. Both the picture and the thought behind it.

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