
I've really been wanting to chop my hair short lately (chin-length). I've had the long hair for awhile and I am not a same ole' haircut kind of girl. But I need your opinion...
This decision is based on looks & running. Looks because short hair is cute, but long hair is sexy. Short hair is easy to blow-dry, but long hair is easier to throw up in a ponytail. Running with short hair is hard to get it to stay up (I used to have to french braid it on each side to keep it up for a long run), but running with long hair is gross because your ponytail swings against your neck and gets all sweaty and then it takes forever to wash and dry when you're done with your run. Short hair needs more maintenance as far as getting it trimmed regularly, but long hair requires more maintenance with every day styling.
Ok, you get the picture. Time to vote. You can vote in the right-hand column and if you'd like, you can leave comments below.
Should I...
(a) Cut it chin-length now
(b) Cut it to shoulder-length now and wait until after the marathon to chop it chin-length
(c) Wait until after the marathon to cut it at all
(d) Leave it long because it looks better on me
Advice please!
I think your hair looks great either way...really, I don't have a preference. However, I think leave it long till after the marathon because of the ponytail issue with short hair. That drives me insane and is the main reason I prefer long hair...the ponytail is just too easy!
i vote B or C. that way you can reward yourself with a haircut after you finish the marathon!!!! woohooo!!! btw...i found a way to run w/long hair...and keep it off my neck. you pull it into a low ponytail, and then loop half of it back through to where the ends pop out on top. (k...that doesn't make much sense...so call me if you want me to explain more...haha!). then you can wear one of those "grippy" headbands to hold the strays out of your face. it's secure, out of the face, and kinda cute. :)
First off, it cracks me up that you've got your head cocked to each side in the pictures. Same smile and all! This is my vote...C I love to get my hair cut! Such an easy way to freshen your look but running with short hair just plain ole sucks. So cut it some now then go for it all after the marathon.
yeah, I meant to say B... sorry.
I voted for B. I love the short haircut pic (my computer wouldn't pull up the long one). The reason I say cut it to shoulder-length now is because I have a friend who ran the San Francisco marathon this past summer, and her really long hair ended up in a mass of knots when it was over. That's my piece of advice!
I would have to go with "A." I think you can cut it off now (which you look great with short hair!), and wear one of those rubber band looking things around your hair to hold back what falls out of your pony tail. Or... I guess you can't fit it up into a pony tail if it's chin length, huh? Hmm... what a debacle. Maybe shoulder length for now?! I agree with Lori- reward yourself with a new haircut after your run! But I also feel your pain on the long hair swishing back and forth on your neck- it can be so annoying!!
Chop it now. You want to and you don't want to give yourself an excuse to stop running after your marathon because your hair bugs you then. Between a top-half up and headband combo, you can keep it enough out of your face to still run, but you'll feel cute and sassy for the remainder of the day, too. I just wouldn't make your running some sort of trump card for your style.
ooo, i am not sure. I know for running it is easier to have longer hair. Just recently i have been able to put my hair in a small pony tail and I am so excited, so I think I am going to go with C because I love to get my hair cut, but I also love being able to put it in a pony tail. You can have a little bit of a change now and later!
I say long. You have awesome long hair that I wish that I had.
I'm with Larissa. If i got my hair short post-marathon i would think, "oh i dont want to mess with putting it up for an anti-climatic non-training run"
plus i really love your hair short
There are millions too many women who look like pic no. 2. It's nourishing, but not delectable. This cut pleases other women who are jealous of your longer hair. Honest! Guy
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