Here's a little ditty for dads everywhere, written by the great Andy Gullahorn. (NOT Andy Phillips, even though he is married to Jill.) This song has taken root in my short-term brain playlist.
Note: This YouTube video is the closest I could get to posting the song on my page--excuse the audience giggles. It might actually might make the song more endearing...?
MORE OF A MANI took my granddad's .22When I was in the 2nd gradeI shot a deer right in the heartAnd rubbed his blood right on my faceThe summer when I turned sixteenI got up each day before the dawnI was building barns and bailing hayWorked harder than the day was longNow I'm 30 and I have three kidsI watch Dora the Explorer in the morningI feel a sad truth sinking inMaybe I was more of a man back thenIt used to be that my daily fareWas chicken fried steak and barbecueI had Dr. Pepper every mealAnd ice cream when the day was throughNow I'm watching my cholesterolMy metabolism is obviously slowingTonight it's salad once againSurely I was a more of a man back thenI used to watch Jean Claude Van DammeKilling guys on the silver screenNow every night with the kids in bedWe watch Gilmore Girlson on DVDSure I was more...So I suck in my protruding gutOn our monthly dinner nightYour saying something about the kidsAs I watch these young men pass me byI remember I was just like themI was lonely but I called it independentAnd if lonesome is what manly isBaby I was more of a man back then
did JAMIN secretly write this? ;)
so, i got real excited when i watched this video, because it reminded me of the time that we ate with jill and andy in colorado springs at p.f. chang's.
it was at that same dinner that the only thing i said to the couple was "i like gilmore girls." oh what an embarrassing moment for clay.
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