March Madness is not limited to basketball here in the great city of also extends to weather. We have had pretty much every type of weather so far this month! (And when I mentioned it snowed in my earlier post, it was just a pretty-in-the-sky but melts-when-it-hits-the-ground kind of southern snow. Not like the foot & a half we received the next week...while I was out of town!! I am always going out of town for the good snow! Arg!)
We celebrated our 2nd anniversary on March 11 with a nice romantic dinner at Folks Folly. I have a whole rant I could give about weekday anniversaries and how they are just set up to be lame because you only have an evening to celebrate, and it's squeezed in between two ordinary days. (It's not like OTHER people really care it's your anniversary, as opposed to when it's your birthday or Christmas, etc.) I'll save that rant for next year. Regardless, it was a magical evening.
Except that I got sick after we came home from dinner. And evidently, I didn't shake the illness because I was home most of the week with some flu-stomachbug-migraine type symptons. Blech.
So that's all I've got...
Except for a new (hopefully regular) addition to this blog: "Would You Rather...?"
This is an old youth group game that can keep junior high kids occupied for hours on a bus. Would you rather...go swimming in jello or honey? Would you rather...marry a man with hair on his back or no hair on his head? Would you rather...vacation in the mountains or on the beach? And so on...
I have been thinking about several Would You Rather's lately, and I thought I might toss them out into the blog world for some lively debate.
Today's Would You Rather is on the topic of voicemail. I have some friends that will not return my call unless I leave a voicemail. I have other friends who will call me back if they merely see they have missed my call (even if I haven't left a voicemail), which thus leaves me thinking that I will waste my minutes if I leave them a message. (This group tends to think that you waste minutes checking your voicemail as well--why not just call the person back instead since you will eventually have to?)
So...Would You Rather...receive a voicemail or ONLY a missed call (by someone you know)?
ooohhh - pet peeve!! i'm definitely a missed call only girl UNLESS we have something specific or urgent to relay in which case i'd rather receive a text but would accept a voicemail. l like to reserve voicemail for business type calls. i will always return a missed call with or without a voicemail. i abhor the "hi, it's me call me back" voicemails.
That depends. If they want me to call them back, then voicemail. I refuse to call someone back just because I missed them the first time - it seems too intrusive. However, if they plan on calling me back, then missing their call is fine and I'll just wait for them to try again.
My default would be voicemail, though. I'd rather have someone tell me to call them back instead of assuming I will.
I agree with Ashley. A missed call is good enough for me to call you back, but if it is urgent, then leave a voicemail. But, if I am calling someone I don't talk to regularly, I always leave a voicemail and would expect them to do the same. So, I guess I'm on both sides.
I would say voicemail, but in that voicemail I want to know what the person wants. I don't like voicemails that just say "call me back". You might was well not leave a message if all you are going to say is "call me back". I can get that from the missed call. SO...leave a message, but tell me what you are calling for.
I like to leave voicemails that consist of one or two derogatory words that best describe that person. That way, if they take the time to listen to my voicemail, they know exactly how I feel.
Actually, I only leave voicemails if I'm calling about something specific and business-ish. I return all missed calls, even wrong numbers. I'm needy and desperate for relationships like that.
i hate the phone, so i consider a missed call a blessing. so i think i skew these survey results. :).
i require messages if action is required of me.
i hate the phone, so i consider a missed call a blessing. so i think i skew these survey results. :).
i require messages if action is required of me.
i don't usually return missed calls b/c i assume they'll call back if they really needed something. i usually leave voicemails for people, so that they know what i'm calling about...or that i was just calling to let them know i was thinking about them...and if i need them to call me back. now, that's for cell phones. for some strange reason, i hesitate to leave messages on home or work numbers. weird, i know. :)
I am with Lori. I like voicemails. Unless it is my family members, then I will call them back if I miss their call. But for friends, I like voicemails. Very confusing I know!
sorry you haven't felt well-glad you had a good anniversary! as far as the voicemail thing-i think it depends on the person and how often you talk????
I like voicemails because I might be changing a diaper or something like that and not make it to the phone. Then, when I check the message I will know if they really needed something from me or just wanted to chat.
I only return voicemails or texts. I figure if it's just a missed call, the person will call back???
Happy Anniversary!!!! I've always wanted to try Folks Folly.
About the missed call or voicemail...hmmm. I really don't care! Sometimes I don't even check the voicemail and just call to see what they wanted. Then they ask did you get my message and I say no but I saw you called so what's up.
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