a little and a lot

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Don't worry blogging friends...I am not going AWOL for another month!  Nick and I are spending the week at beautiful Santa Rosa Beach with my parents.  And yes, this is a VACATION!  :)  (You know how those make me feel...see picture at right!)


Kristin said...

So, I know this is random, but do you always were your rings on your right hand? Or is this a picture pre-marriage?

Larissa Smith said...

So, let me get this straight? You and Nick decided to be in Memphis at Christmas, and just go on a million trips and/or vacations the rest of the year?

Lucky you.

Larissa Smith said...

I tagged you. Read my blog.

Kristy said...

Enjoy your VaCa. We just got back from a "trip," and while it was fabulously wonderful, I definitely agree on your assessment of distinction! :)

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

good fun! let us know all ab it! relax and enjoy!

melanie said...

Glad you are back! Your trip looked like tons of fun!

and as far as the reunion goes...it was worth it. I was bummed at that some of my pals couldnt make it. But over all I am pretty glad Joanna Hayes got it all together for us.

Adopting Rhet: Click on the timeline above to read more