Owens (our greyhound, who is 8 years old and I/we have had for four years) had never been to the beach before last week. We brought our road-trip-fanatical dog along with us to Santa Rosa and he loved it. I had thought so much about how the ocean would be such a brand new experience for him that I had totally neglected the thought that this was Owens' first experience with heights. (Some background on Owens: he is graceful when he runs. But that is about 30 seconds out of the day. For the other 23:30 hours of the day, he is quite clumsy and a great big wimp, bless his big bony greyhound heart.) Our condo was on the fourth floor, and thus O was able to take his first (of many) elevator ride and experience his first birds-eye view. He was not so sure of his feelings about any of these things at first. He hugged the wall as we walked along the side of the building to the condo door. (When I say hugged, I mean his body was literally touching the wall.) He refused to come near the outdoor balconies. When Nick tried to take him out for a walk the first time, we literally had to lift his body and move it across the threshold of the front door. Hilarious. But he got used to it. He even glanced over the railing on his way to the elevator a few times. Speaking of the elevator, he stuck to a firm resolve of hating it, although he would allow us to take him on it. He also never got within 3 feet of the doorway of the balcony or the large floor to ceiling window in the living room. The beach, however, was a different story.
Loved it. Here are some picture to enjoy...
Lots of people think my mom and I look alike. That makes me happy because I think my mom is so pretty. (We won 2nd place in a Mother-Daughter Look-Alike contest in college, once. It was during a Family Weekend at the Christian Student Center, so don't go thinking we made it big time or anything...) :)
War Eagle! Glad you got to The Mecca. We are going to one more game this season and will eat at Niffer's for you.
Jack and I were at that game as well, with Jud and Julie Young. Sorry we missed you.
Those are gorgeous beach pictures! I'm glad you had a good, relaxing "vacation."
By the way, I loved your New York post! I felt like the biggest nerd when I went to NYC, so I laughed so hard about the spill story.
I have missed you, especially on Wednesday nights when I am thinking about how good a hot and ready would be on ole St. Nick street.
I am so glad you are getting some vacations, you deserve it.
missing out on some amsterdam's is one of life's great tragedies! Oh well. At least you made it to the game! Glad Owens had such a great time! your trip looks fun!
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