The subject line is actually the title of one of my neighbors' wireless networks. Every time we lose our wireless signal (which is often because we have a dumb Linxus router, AKA this is a shameless plea for someone from the Apple corporation to read this and send me an Airport...and the new version of Mac OS X Leopard while you're at it...aaaaand an iPhone. ha)...this title pops up as an option for internet connection. Except it is protected with a password, so the person who had the problem with people hiding in their bushes to steal their internet finally got smart and secured their connection.
Let this be a lesson to all of us boring people whose wireless networks are entitled "[First Name]." Next time around I'll choose something MUCH more interesting.
lol! what a fab idea. im always piggy backing onto my neighbors when ours goes out, as well. funny.
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