a little and a lot

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It's A Wonderful Life, Buster

On Saturday night, there was a huge blowout celebration in honor of one of my favorite people EVER. Big B, Busty, Boosta, The Big Red Man...he is known by many names, and he is known by many more people.

When I made the decision to come to Memphis, it was mostly for the opportunity to work in youth ministry with Buster Clemens. I interned for him during my last two summers of college and worked year-round as his apprentice for three years. During that time, he shaped & influenced the way I do youth ministry and the way I live my life. He loves teenagers, has great ideas and the guts and brains to pull them off, is always good for a witty and passionate rant, and is a big kid at heart. Saturday's Surprise Luau was held to celebrate Buster's 20th year in youth ministry...all at the Highland St Church!

I am big on legacy. Huge, actually. Buster often makes fun of me for the way everything goes back to legacy with me. But Saturday was Buster's chance to get a taste of the legacy he has left for others. People from graduating classes 1987 through 2007 were present. Tons of former interns. A huge crowd of Highland members, family, and friends. Hundreds of people came to Buster's surprise party on Saturday because they were all touched and impacted by him.

Great fun was had...old pictures, funny hairstyles, embarassing stories, touching memories, life milestones...everything was reminisced. Laughter, tears, more laughter. It was amazing and inspiring to have the chance to say, "You made a difference in my life," and to hear it echoed over and over. The big surprise at the end of the whole night of surprises was the presentation of a fabulous trip to Hawaii for Buster and Kim. (Their 25th wedding anniversary is this May.)

Now that all of the hype and excitement is over, I am in my office listening to Buster and Brooke discuss back-to-normal run-of-the-mill ministry ministry. In the middle of my mundane Tuesday afternoon, I can't help but remember that it all adds up. Every kind word, every prayer, every act of service...they are constantly influencing the people around us. They are making a difference. Galatians 5 says, "The only thing that matters is faith expressing itself through love." The only thing that matters. Buster's wonderful life proves it.


Adopting Rhet: Click on the timeline above to read more