(For the record, we released Elmo Frist into the world to be recycled and bring joy to many yard maintence crews on January 8th, so that wasn't too bad, right?)
Here are some catch-up comments so that I can resume my regular rantings:
- We went to Atlanta for New Year's and had a wonderful time. One of my personal highlights was shopping with my mom. I hadn't been shopping in a very long time, and I had, ahem, "outgrown" most of my clothes fitting my lower half. Mom helped me aquire some new items that make me look and feel fabulous. It's a lot easier to whine about being "fat" when your waistbands are squeezing the pee out of you. (Meaning: no more clothes that make me feel fat = happier me!)
- NCYM was at a new place in Colorado Springs this year called Cheyenne Mountain Resort. We LOVED it! Great, breathtaking views and beautiful accomodations for a lower price than last year! Nick and I really enjoyed spending time with old friends, remembering why we feel called to do youth ministry, talking and praying about our future, and sitting at the feet of great speakers/teachers. Chris Seidman really spoke to my heart in his morning keynotes and afternoon classes about the Holy Spirit. Powerful stuff! (I'll save the best of it for a later post.) I reflected a lot during that week in the mountains and was able to look back on my crazy wedding year and see myself turning a corner into a more focused, balanced, less-traumatized Jesse.
- We spend last weekend in Dallas with Nick's family celebrating the arrival of the first Faris grandchild! Beckham Jeffrey Faris was born (a little early) on
December 29th, and we had been DYING to see him. He was as cute as his pictures promised he would be. A little 6lb ball of sleepy sweetness! I am a very proud aunt and Nick and I can't wait to spoil him rotten. Many more pictures will be following (from Christmas and our Colorado trip as well)...
- Last but not least, I must mention it. As soon as I saw the trailer on the beginning of the Today show, I yelped for joy. Julie Kiser (and probably a kajillion other people) beat me to the post, but...
It's finally coming and I HAVE TO HAVE ONE!
If you are a living, breathing human in the United States under the age of 80, then you probably know all about the iPhone by now. I will spare you the details. But I just want to say...
Reality demands that I admit to you that I am a TMobile customer on a 150-year contract and I have that magenta pink Razr that I got last March so I will have to wait until everyone experiences the coolness of this gadget and it is old news until I can buy someone's old scratched up one off of ebay for $10. Life is so unfair.
Looks like the regular rantings are back in action...
If you are a living, breathing human in the United States under the age of 80, then you probably know all about the iPhone by now. I will spare you the details. But I just want to say...
Reality demands that I admit to you that I am a TMobile customer on a 150-year contract and I have that magenta pink Razr that I got last March so I will have to wait until everyone experiences the coolness of this gadget and it is old news until I can buy someone's old scratched up one off of ebay for $10. Life is so unfair.
Looks like the regular rantings are back in action...
Dad pointed out today that the Santa hats were still on the statues next to the fireplace.
I moved the hats to the ottoman, next to the fireplace. Like daughter, like mom!
Greg informed me that he liked our Santa mat at the back door. At least I got the rest of the decos taken down by New Year's. I have a hard time finishing jobs...like the cords are still out from my Dicken's Village houses but the houses themselves have been put away since Dec. 29th. I seem to find little bits of Christmas strewn throughout the house until about July.
I have an older Motorola camera phone that I got 3 years ago so do you think I can justify the iPhone? Dave Ramsey says I don't think so...
ohmgah I totally got one yesterday!!! RIGHT.
me too. i wish! neva...
I am very sad you were so close and I didn't see you, but I understand the family ties.
Also, I am very sorry I have missed your phone calls. Here is the holdup: the screen on my cell phone is broken. I dropped it and it is now hot pink and green with yellow lines shooting out. I can neither see who is calling, see who did call and what their number was, or look up numbers on my phone (more reasons I need an iPhone).
Although, I would like to brag on myself that there are several times that solely by remembering which buttons brought up my phone book I have been able to push the button that I know is for contacts, push in the first letter of their name, and then think "okay, I think that Kari is my second friend alphabetically in my K section" so I arrow down and press call and a couple times it has been right on! But more times than not it has been someone completely different....
So in your next message leave your number or just email it back to you so we can talk!!!
Don't get too excited yet...yes, I too jumped, rather LEAPED or is it lept? for joy. In fact, I read the live text feed from the MacWorld as it was unveiled.
But them...my excitement was squelched with this:
And I thought to myself...why in the world would Apple create a phone that didn't have some of the normal cell phone functionality that EVERYONE uses? Clearly not thought through.
Hope they add some things before the June release date. And remember , 1st generation products are never as cool as 2nd or 3rd. By the time your contract runs out, you'll have the better product.
Die-hard Apple User
Your nephew is like the cutest thing I've ever seen. Precious.
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