a little and a lot

Monday, December 16, 2013

10th Day of Advent: Loving God & Others

Sorry I'm getting this a bit late to you today, friends!  


He came near.  He lived on this earth.  He woke up each morning, went to work, completed each day with family.  He was without sin.  He never missed the mark!  And this is what he said was most important (with His words and His life):

Love God with every fiber of your being.
Love others so much and often that it's as if that love happens by instinct.

In the season celebrating His birth, what will you give the One who has everything?  

Click on the image above to enlarge, save to your computer, & print
Click on the children's activity above to enlarge, save to computer, & print


Adopting Rhet: Click on the timeline above to read more