a little and a lot

Friday, September 16, 2005


dear friends,

please post on your blogs! i check every hour, on the hour, frantic that i might have missed something new. as you can imagine, this gets pretty redundant when the same post is up there, day after day. that’s hours and hours of the same posts!

save me from monotony!

ps: if i had a dollar for every time someone said, “you had me at ‘jim brinkerhoff’...the man is a legend, i say, shaking my head.


Chad Billy-Steve Pknicholson said...

I'm too busy reading your blog to post anything of my own.

Matt Elliott said...

C'mon by, Jesse. I think you'll like today's post. You were there for much of it!

amanda said...

only if you'll "wish me luck and pledge a dollar" on my recent post!

lee said...

Which brother would you roll down the hill...

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